Captain Andy Simonds

Senior Staff Writer
In 1980, Captain Andy Simonds first soloed in a beat-up fire-prone Cessna 152 Aerobat in Madison, Wisconsin. After a tour in general aviation as a CFI and Part 135 charter pilot, Andy started collecting uniforms from American Eagle, TWA, Airborne Express and, finally, American Airlines where he is serving as Chief Pilot for American's Boston base. Whether left seat, right seat, back seat or jumpseat he never met an airplane he didn't like. Andy would fly all airplanes to which somebody (who had the guts) gave him the keys including Metroliners, Jetstreams, DC-9, B-727, B-737, B-757, B-767 and the Airbus 319/321.
In an effort to improve his seniority (while believing there is comfort in crowds), Andy has been continually involved with airline pilot recruiting, interviewing, career counseling and support, aviation seminars and aviation writing.
A graduate of Boston University with a Bachelor of Music degree, he majored in education and vocal performance. Experience gained from teaching in secondary schools and flight schools led to instructional and supervisory positions at the various air carriers including ground school instructor, flight instructor, Check Airman and Chief Pilot.
Even after all the industry turbulence, he still believes that a rational perspective keeps the pessimists at bay, enhancing safety and allowing the joy of the craft to rise to the surface where it is alive and well and resides in the hearts of those willing to embrace it.